Audit Trail Report Description
All Changes made in the system via PAC are recorded in the Audit trail report. Basically, actions made in the system are all recorded in the Audit report for the reference purpose.
Currently V4 [Version] is the latest version of Audit Trail report which is used to track details of the actions performed on the records.
The Audit Report can be found as a report in the Payroll Input review step under Review tab.
File can be downloaded by clicking on the hyperlink of Audit report or clicking on the ordinal no.
Currently the Audit trail report consists of 30 columns for which the data is populated. Below are the column names mentioned with a brief description as to what exactly the column refers to.
Note :
Report is divided into 3 subsections for easy reference purpose:
- ACTOR Employee: Employee who is making updates/changes on behalf of other employees[ Point 1- Point 8 refers to Actor Employee details].
- Employee : Employee for whom the changes are made for in the system[Point 9-Point 22 refers to Employee details updates].
- External File : Details of externally uploaded file [Point 23 – Point 30].
- Actor Employee ID: Actor employee ID is the system generated ID which is added for employees in the system.
- Actor Employee Reference Code: Actor Employee Reference code refers to the employee ID who made changes to the system. This can be used to track as to which employee has made changes to the system on behalf.
- Actor Employee Legal Entity ID: This ID is referred to as the entity system level ID of the actor. This ID is registered with the entity. This is for reference purposes which can be ignored.
- Actor Employee Login Credential ID: It is the [actor] employees’ login credential ID who is making changes to the system; which is system generated.
- Actor Employee Login Credential Username: It is the actor employee’s login credential username who is making changes to the system.
- Legal Entity ID :Legal Entity ID is the Actor ID associated with that particular entity. Can we viewed at two places in the PAC system.
- When a user lands in the PAC system it can be viewed in the URL.
- When the mouse is hovered in the left pane for all modules it displays at the bottom.
Note** : Apart from Notification and other modules having sub modules; ID is not visible for viewing. For an ID to be visible the user needs to click on the sub module and then hover.
- When a user lands in the PAC system it can be viewed in the URL.
- Legal Entity Name :Legal Entity name is the Actor name which is assigned to the entity when entity is created.
- Legal Entity Brand Name :Legal Entity brand name is the Actor brand name associated with an entity when entity is generated.
- Employee ID :Employee ID is the system ID of an employee for whom changes are made in the system. Can we viewed at two places in the PAC system.
- By hovering mouse against the row of the particular employee.
- In URL by clicking against any details of the particular employee
- By hovering mouse against the row of the particular employee.
- Employee Reference Code :Reference code is the employee ID code which is configured against the employee in the system . It can be viewed at various places . Below is the screenshots for the same.
- When the user lands on the employee list page by clicking on the employees option from the left pane.
- When user clicks on any of the employee details row from the above screenshot lands on this page.
- Under the job details tab against employee ID field name reference code can be viewed.
- When the user lands on the employee list page by clicking on the employees option from the left pane.
- Employee Pay Group ID : Pay group ID is the part of pay group employee is associated with. All paygroups have a certain ID associated with them for distinguishing purposes. ID is allocated to paygroups at system level when paygroups are created.
- Employee Pay Group Name :Paygroup name is the name of the group to which an employee has been associated with. Pay groups can also be seen on employee listing by adding the column.
- Entity :
Everything in the system has some entity name associated with it. Report for this column can be read as below.
For example: If we are making some changes in the pay element then it would say as employee_pay_element.
Pay element which is already available but updated is read as employee_pay_element_change_request.
If suppose any thing is updated on the employee card : For example, email id then it would populate as email in the column. - Entity ID :Every entity has a unique entity ID associated with it. When any kind of action is performed on the entities a new entity ID is generated.
Note: ** For the same entity as well, if any action is performed then a new Id would be generated which signifies there is some activity performed on the entity.
Example: If the entity is “employee_hr_field_entry” and value has changed from Yes to NO then entity ID for “employee_hr_field_entry” would be different then it was before. - Entity Root ID :Entity Root ID and Entity ID are interrelated to each other. Root ID and Entity ID are tied together. System is built so because of the technical requirements. Value in entity Root ID column would populate only when any kind of changes are made to the entities. Whenever any changes are performed to any of the entities a new entity root ID is generated.
- Entity Label :Entity label column refers to changes made in the pay elements. If any changes are made to pay elements, then their name appears in this column.
- Entity Code :Special column which signifies the changes in the code when there is a change in the pay element. Whenever changes are made to pay elements it’s changed code populates in the entity code column.
- Field :Value in the field column denotes the names of the fields against which value appears in the “Old Value” column and “New Value” column.
Example:- If either of the fields “old value” or “new value” shows value as “pending/draft” then the “field” column will show value as “status”.
- If either of the fields “old value” or “new value” shows value as “email prefix@domainname[[email protected]]” then the “field” column will show value as “primary email”
- Old Value :Old value column represents values which are already present for specific fields in the system.
- New Value :New value column represents values which have been modified/updated for the fields in the system.
Note**: Every time records are created or modified in the system they would appear under the New Value column. - Old Value Label :Value does not populate under this column. Basic idea behind this column was to provide a more detailed description for the “Old value” column. It can be ignored.
- New Value Label :Value does not populate under this column. Basic idea behind this column was to provide a more detailed description for the “New value” column. It can be ignored.
- Source :Source value represents where exactly (source)the input came from. Input value in this column appears in either of the 3 options i.e
- Hrb: Indicates inputted record was from back-office system.
- Mss: Indicates inputted record was from PAC system.
- Eif: [Automatic Integration/ Interface]: Indicates automated flows which are setup for some clients.
- Source Entity :Source entity column value represents the record has been imported from some external file.
Example: Value in column appears as “import_data”. - Source Entity ID :Source entity ID column value represents unique identifier [number] for the external uploaded file.
- Source Reference Code :Source Reference Code represents Reference Code of the external uploaded file.
- Source Hash :Hash column’s value represents hashing value of the uploaded external file for integrity check.
Basically, used to make sure that the external file used was secured and no changes were made to it. Moment changes are performed to file hashing code changes of the file; which notifies some actions were performed on it. - Source File :Source file column represents the name of the external uploaded file with the extension associated with the file.
- Is Change :Populates the value either as TRUE or FALSE. There is no significance of the boolean value so can be ignored.
- Date Change Create Time :This Column captures date and time when changes were performed to the system. It follows the UTC time zone.
UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time. It is a standard which is used to establish time zones worldwide.
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