Core HR Benefits

Submit and track payroll-related requests such as expense reimbursements, advances and loans.

Core HR overview

What can the employee do through the Benefits module ?

Core HR leave slider

Make requests The employee can submit a benefit request (for expense reimbursement, loans or advances) to their supervisor. Recovery start and end dates are automatically completed once the Advance and Payout periods are completed.

Core HR leave slider

View all requests The employee can review previous and current benefit requests. The request statuses are visible on the Requests dashboard. When completing a request but this is not ready for submission, the employee can save it as a draft.

Core HR leave slider

Withdraw requests The employee can withdraw a request once it is rejected or at any time. Withdrawal enables the employee to re-edit the request with new details or to create a new request.


For management


View and manage payroll-related employee requests

  • approve or reject benefits requests for expense reimbursements, loans or advances
  • create a new request on behalf of the employee
  • forward requests received
  • view files attached to requests
  • obtain an overview of an employee’s requests records


Create workflows for expense approvals

  • manage the benefits requests of all employees.

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