
Last updated on September 30, 2022

The Payslips page includes your payslips data. From there, you can access, view, and download individual payroll payslips.

Viewing and downloading your payslips

By default, you will see the last sixth months’ payslips.

  1. The details about each payslip will become visible after clicking on the row of the payslip listing.
  2. Ticking the box on the left side of the payslip will action the possibility to download and/or print your payslip. You can download or print multiple payslips at once. Untick the boxes next to the payslips you don’t wish to download and/or print.
  3. If you wish to download or print only one specific payslip, just click on the three dots on the right side of each payslip, and the option to print or download will appear.
  4. You can also filter payslips by value. Just click on the filtering button next to Details, and three options will appear (Gross & Net, Gross Only, Net Only). Select the filter you wish to apply, and the page will be updated accordingly.

Gross/Net Salary Evolution Chart

The evolution of salary is displayed as a graphic on the left side, so you can always have a quick overview of your earnings.

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