HR Blizz Reports
All users and stakeholders have real-time access to payroll data and reports.
The administrator is able to create new reports as well as view/download all created reports including Master Data Reports within the PAC. By default, current year reports are shown but all reports can be filtered and sorted.

HR Blizz Report Features

When creating reports, administrators can create them fresh or based on existing templates.

These reports can be based on different employee categories (active, inactive or draft) with the option to add employees manually or in bulk.
Payroll results reports can be created based on selected periods and selected employees.

The administrator has discretion to add data fields to reports.
Further, fields and wage types included in the reports are customisable.
The administrator is able to create and download custom reports:

- review reports automatically generated when payroll is submitted for review
- approve or reject payroll (the administrator can add or amend)
- access files (such as reports, payslips, bank files, Gross to Net) for open and closed periods (previous periods can be accessed and reports downloaded).
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