Core HR Leave
The employee can submit leave requests to their supervisor, review leave requests and view their leave balance.

What can the employee do through the Leave module ?

View upcoming leaves Access 14 leave types (such as paid leave, sick leave, parental leave, mental health leave, WFH (work from home) and working from other offices)

Obtain an overview of leave balances The employee can view the leave balances for all leaves they are entitled to.

Request leave The employee can submit leave requests to their supervisors.

Get an overview of the team’s leaves The employee can view when team members are on leave.

For management
View and manage all leave transactions and leave balances.
- Approve or reject leave requested by employees
- Create a leave request on behalf of the employee
- Forward leave requests
- View files attached to requests
- Obtain a calendar overview of all employee leave.
- Manage leave requests submitted by all employees
- View the leave calendar of all employees
- Generate leave reports for management
- Create workflows for leave approval
- Leave may be added manually within the PAC, approved requests through the ESS or imported from interface files.
Open-ended leaves
Depending on the leave regulation set up, open-ended leave (leave without an end date) can be added manually or triggered when an employee changes status (from active to inactive or vice versa). Note that open ended leave can be created only for leave types that do not have any balance.
Manager can obtain an overview of all leave requests sent. This can be sorted by date, leave type and employee.
Leave balances
Manager can track and edit employee leave balances by leave type (annual leave, sick leave, unpaid leave, maternity leave etc). By default, leave balances are displayed as at the current open payroll period. Filters can be applied during a search. An employee’s leave balance history can also be viewed by clicking on the employee name. Initial employee leave balances are uploaded by the Mercans’ team. Once done, the manager is able to edit employee balances for all leave types.

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